Use gender inclusive language e.g. firefighter (not fireman), chairperson or chair (not chairman), police officer (not policeman or policewoman), host (not hostess), and so on.
Never use his/he or her/she if you’re guessing or assuming gender. E.g. use If students want to get good marks, they must study hard, but not ‘If the student wants to get good marks, he must study hard.’
Refer to women and men, not ladies and gentlemen.
Don’t use ‘to man’ when it comes to a role. Use something else e.g. to operate or to staff. Avoid gender stereotypes.
geographical labels
Use capitals for recognised regions, e.g. the West Country or South-East Asia. But: north London, south-east England.
Gift Aid (noun)
Capitals, no hyphen e.g. Gift Aid enables us to…
Gift Aid declaration
Capitals and lower case as above. Avoid the word ‘form’.
Global Britain
Do not use language that suggests colonialism when talking about Britain (such as Global Britain, global leader, global superpower, force for global good, etc)
Instead, where possible, use collaborative expressions such as UK playing its part, UK working in solidarity with, UK playing a positive role in the world, UK working in partnership.
Global north/south
Avoid using.
gospel (noun or adjective)
Use a lower case g when referring to the gospel in general, e.g. The gospel tells us... Capitalise when referring to the specific books of the bible, e.g. It says in the Gospel of Luke...
Lower case g unless at the beginning of a sentence