
Avoid jargon unless you’re sure it’s needed and is explained to the reader. Always use plain English.


Use Jesus’ to refer to people or things belonging or relating to Jesus, e.g. Jesus’ teachings (not Jesus’s teachings).

job titles

Avoid incomprehensible ones.

Yes: The Leprosy Mission’s Sian Arulanantham says…
Sian Arulanantham, who heads up Programmes at The Leprosy Mission, says…
No: The Leprosy Mission’s Head of Programmes Coordination, Sian Arulanantham says…

Use lower case when referring generally to people who play a particular role, e.g. Three of our programmes officers…, a newly appointed policy researcher…

Use upper case in a labelling phrase when stating someone’s job title, e.g. Head of Fundraising, Louise Timmins…

Titles of politicians follow the same rule: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak but the prime minister said… and Rishi Sunak has served as prime minister for…