
Donation FAQs

Is my donation secure?

Yes. When you make a donation online, your details are encrypted, meaning that they are completely secure. Once you have made a donation, we promise that we will keep your data secure. We will never pass on your details to other organisations and we will only contact you in ways that you choose.

How do I set up a Direct Debit?

You can set up a Direct Debit online by selecting the 'Regular Gift' option when you make a donation. You can also print out a Direct Debit form, fill out your details and send it back to us. Finally, you can set up a Direct Debit by telephoning us on 01733 370505.

How can I change my Direct Debit?

If you wish to change how much you give regularly, please telephone us and our Supporter Relations team will be able to help you. Alternatively you can get in touch online to let us know.

How else can I make a donation?

If you do not wish to donate online or over the telephone, you can print out this donation form and send it back to us along with your gift.

Can I donate by bank transfer?

It is most cost effective for us if you donate online. However if you wish to give by bank transfer, please make sure that you quote either your supporter reference number or name, house number and postcode. This is so that we know who the gift is from and can allocate it to you. If you do not know your reference number, please telephone us on 01733 370505 and we will be happy to help you.

Our bank details are:

The Leprosy Mission Great Britain

Barclays Bank Plc

Sort Code: 20-67-45

Account number: 00197742

Can I donate items like blankets or clothes?

While we are thankful for the many ways that people wish to support people affected by leprosy, we are unable to accept donations of items such as blankets or clothes. It takes a lot of money and time to pack and ship these items overseas, which is not a good use of our resources. We also want to support the local economies in the areas where we work and break down barriers of stigma and would therefore prefer that the people you help buy the things they need in their own communities.

How does The Leprosy Mission decide where to send my money?

If you donated to a specific appeal, or for a specific purpose, we will ensure that your donation is used for that purpose. The only exception is if our income target for that appeal is surpassed. If this is the case then we will use your donation to meet the greatest need currently facing our work, as is the case with any general donation.

The projects your donations support are based on in-depth needs assessments and are developed with local staff with input from people affected by leprosy themselves. This helps ensure they are designed in the most effective and efficient way. We decide which projects to fund based on stringent criteria that ensure resources have the greatest impact on either ending leprosy or transforming the lives of those affected by it.

There are never enough funds to meet all the needs, so this means taking difficult decisions on which projects to fund. We don’t sit on large reserves so our annual commitment to fund projects is a step of faith. We pray that your gifts will meet these needs. Your donation is therefore an answer to prayer and is used wherever it is most needed.

Can I request that my gift goes to a specific country or project?

Yes. If you are sending a gift in the post, please include a note to say where you would like your donation to go. Alternatively you can also tell us when you give over the phone. Occasionally, a project may be fully funded in which case we can discuss with you where else you might prefer your gift to be allocated.

How do I update my details?

You can email to let us know about a change of details, or telephone our Supporter Relations team on 01733 370505. You can also use our online contact form to get in touch.

Can I contact you on behalf of someone else?

Yes. We want to help you to help your loved ones and will be happy to talk. However we’re not able to make changes to an individual’s giving, or share any of their financial information or history, without speaking to them first (this could be for them to simply say that they are happy for us to talk to you) or without you confirming you have Power of Attorney.

What should I do if I have Power of Attorney for one of your supporters?

If you are the Power of Attorney for one of our supporters, please do let us know by sending us written evidence of this, for example a photocopy or scan or email. We will record this information to make sure we know that we can contact you on behalf of this person in future. We can also send mail that they would normally receive to you.

Can I give a gift in memory of someone?

Yes. You can give a donation in memory of someone online here. You can also give by telephone or post. If you are sending in money from a collection made at a funeral or memorial service, please make sure you tell us who the collection is in memory of.

What is the most cost effective way I can donate to The Leprosy Mission?

The most cost effective way you can support people affected by leprosy is with a Direct Debit or by giving one off gifts online.

Can I give a gift anonymously?

We are very grateful for any gifts we receive but it is most helpful to us if you are able to give your name and address when making a donation. This is so that we can trace the gift if we have a query about it. We are also unable to claim Gift Aid on a donation if we cannot identify who has made it.

If you are concerned that giving your name and address will result in you receiving unwanted mail, please be assured that we will not give your details to any other organisations. And if you do not wish to receive anything in the post or by email from us, you can get in touch to let us know or change your preferences using our online form.

Can I use my birthday or another special occasion to donate to The Leprosy Mission?

Yes you can. Please get in touch to let us know that you are going to donate your birthday or other special occasion to help people affected by leprosy. You can fundraise as you wish - through JustGiving, Facebook or collecting cash from your friends and family, then post it to us. You can also ask your loved ones to get in touch with us to make a donation.

How do I make a Gift Aid declaration?

We would prefer that you make a Gift Aid declaration by filling out this form and sending it back to us. Alternatively, there is a Gift Aid declaration on the response form for every appeal that we send by post. You can also choose to Gift Aid your donation when you give online.

What sort of gifts can you claim Gift Aid on?

Tax can be reclaimed on a source of income that has been taxed by income tax or capital gains tax. It cannot be claimed where inheritance tax has been paid.

We cannot reclaim tax on any of the following:

  • donations from a church, school, company or other organisation
  • proceeds from the sale of goods (such as a cake sale or bring and buy sale)
  • a collection from an event that is being paid in as a single amount from an individual
  • sponsorship money collected and paid to us as a single amount unless it is accompanied by a sponsorship form
  • money collected from multiple people in a collection box and donated as single amount by an individual
  • donations from the sale of a ticket to an event

Can I give a gift from outside the UK?

Yes you can. However we would prefer that any donations are made in Sterling. You can give online or by telephoning us on 01733 370505.

I no longer pay tax. How do I change my Gift Aid declaration?

Please get in touch online or telephone 01733 370505 to let us know as soon as possible when your Gift Aid status changes.

I would like to do a sponsored event for The Leprosy Mission. How do I do this?

You will need a sponsorship form if you wish to collect money from people. Please download our sponsorship form here. We ask that you do not create your own sponsorship forms. If you are unable to download and print your forms we will be happy to send some to you - please get in touch online or telephone 01733 370505. You can also raise money for a sponsored event online using JustGiving.

Why have I received a mailing from you when I have already told you I don’t want anything through the post?

We will always opt you out of mailings if you ask. However when we prepare to send out things by post we prepare the mailing list two to three weeks in advance. If you have advised us of a change in that period you may get another mailing shortly afterwards, but you can be assured that this will be your last mailing.