
Leprosy defeated, lives transformed

The Leprosy Mission Great Britain is a global Christian organisation leading the fight against leprosy.

Following Jesus Christ, we seek to bring about transformation; breaking the chains of leprosy and empowering people to attain healing, dignity and life in all its fullness.

No one should suffer because of a preventable and treatable disease.

We work with people of all faiths and none to defeat leprosy and transform the lives of people affected.

The Leprosy Mission’s Global Fellowship works in 27 countries.

Our focus is on ten countries in Africa and Asia - Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, and Sri Lanka. These places have high rates of leprosy or lack the services or opportunities needed by people affected.

As well as supporting people living with leprosy today, we serve future generations by working to end the transmission of the disease. So they may be born into a world free from leprosy.

We partner with governments, churches and other organisations. Most importantly, we work with people affected by leprosy to achieve our vision - leprosy defeated, lives transformed.

We fight leprosy transmission, disability and discrimination.

Through this integrated approach, we offer a springboard to better health, self-sufficiency and new hope.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognise that the dignity of the individual is fundamental and no one should be left behind. People affected by leprosy, especially those disabled by the disease, are often most marginalised. So our mission is as urgent and relevant as ever. We stand with the people many would rather forget.

In 1874, our founders Wellesley and Alice Bailey saw the suffering of people living with leprosy and were determined to do something about it. Like them, we are committed to defeating leprosy and showing the love of Christ to those it affects.

Our Christian identity is at the heart of who we are and everything we do. Our values are:

Compassion: As Jesus did, we care deeply for others particularly those adversely affected by leprosy and those most in need. We feel their pain and are motivated to walk alongside them in Christ-like love, doing all we can to support their physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing.

Integrity: We work with honesty and transparency with a seamless correlation between our message and our actions. We foster open communication, where there is no fear of sharing challenges and successes. We respect our partners and work together to find solutions to problems and achieve common goals.

Inclusion: We value all individuals, believing they were made in the image of God. We promote equal access and opportunity to all, and are committed to removing discrimination and other barriers, enabling people to live life in all its fullness.

Justice: We promote dignity, respecting and fostering human rights. We champion the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) treaty and the Principles and Guidelines for the Elimination of Discrimination Against People Affected by Leprosy and their Family Members. We have appropriate mechanisms in place to actively protect children and vulnerable adults from harm and abuse.

Humility: We treat everyone as equals and do not see ourselves as superior to others. We seek to serve the most marginalised, who often live in difficult environments. We are willing to get our hands dirty as we serve others, just as Jesus was willing to wash the feet of his disciples. We value the opinions of others and are open to listen and learn. We solicit and respond to feedback from partners and those we serve.