

Have you ever been rejected by your family, sacked from your job, or denied education because of an illness? This is the daily reality for people affected by leprosy.

Every two minutes, another person finds out they have leprosy. Every two minutes another person experiences the trauma of discovering they have this disease, and the fear of what it might do to them.

Do you believe that people affected by leprosy deserve more than a life of shame, rejection and disability? We do. We’re committed to defeating leprosy and you can partner with us in the fight against this disease.

Together we can bring long-term, meaningful change to communities and transform lives forever.

Connect to the people and causes you care most about

What are you most passionate about? What do you want to change in your lifetime? Whether it’s providing surgery to correct disabilities, education opportunities, job skills training, or fighting against discrimination and prejudice through advocacy, your investment will have a lasting impact.

Your gift will do so much good and in return, we want you to experience the joy that you will bring to the lives of people affected by leprosy. However you prefer to hear from us – newsletters, phone calls, emails, project reports, or face-to-face updates – we’ll make sure you know all about the difference you are making.

If you like to hear stories and learn about projects first-hand, nothing can quite compare to seeing the impact of your generosity in person. You will have opportunities to join us on trips overseas to meet the people affected by leprosy that you support.

Jesus healed leprosy in his lifetime. You can be part of ending it in yours.

Suffering. Pain. Disease. Injustice. Each of us has a part to play in helping to restore our world. As we work towards our goals of zero transmission, zero disability and zero discrimination, our mission is to bring healing, wholeness and fullness of life to people affected by leprosy. But we can’t do it without you.

Will you join with us to change lives and defeat this disease?

Please get in touch with our Partnerships Manager, Jonathan Wicks, to find out more and explore how you can get involved. Email or telephone 01733 513469.

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Annual review

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