
Prayers for Leprosy Sunday 2023

We believe that every person deserves life in all its fullness and when you support Flourish, our Leprosy Sunday campaign for 2023, you'll be helping to create a future where leprosy has no hold over families and communities in the tea gardens of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is about the same size as England and Wales, but over three times as many people call this country home. It is one of the most densely populated places on earth. And in the tea gardens of Bangladesh, leprosy is more prevalent than anywhere else in the world. 600,000 people live and work in the tea gardens, and almost every family is affected by this disease.

Now is the time to join us and help train healthcare workers to diagnose and cure leprosy, prevent disability, protect livelihoods, and stop the spread of this disease. The hopes and dreams of thousands of tea garden workers depend on it. Your prayers are powerful, and we hope you'll join us in praying for the tea garden communities and the Leprosy Mission staff who work with them.


Many of the tea estates have set up self-help groups. These groups help to empower communities to support each other. From teaching people to care for and dress their ulcers, to providing goats to help families make a living, these community groups play an essential part in the fight against leprosy.

Pray that our Father will bless these crucial groups, and they will continue to flourish and grow.

Mobile outreach clinics, or skin camps, play a vital role in finding new leprosy cases. Early diagnosis and access to Multidrug therapy, the cure for leprosy, is essential to prevent disability and reduce transmission of this disease. These camps also provide the opportunity for health workers to care for wounds and ulcers.

Pray that more clinics can be held, so even more people affected by leprosy can be diagnosed and cured. Ask God to sustain and protect the team who work tirelessly to find, cure and treat people affected by this disease.

The Leprosy Mission's hospital in Nilphamari is the only hospital in Bangladesh providing surgery and treatment for leprosy complications. Ulcer dressings, rehabilitation and aftercare are just some of the services available here.

We ask our gracious God to continue to bless this important hospital. Please pray for the staff who work here, bringing healing, hope and comfort to people suffering from the effects of leprosy.

Rishi, pictured above, works as a shoemaker. He travels around tea gardens in Bangladesh, making special protective sandals for people affected by leprosy. This footwear helps to prevent injury and subsequent infections for people who have lost the feeling in their feet.

Pray that more people like Rishi will come forward to train to become shoemakers, helping people affected by leprosy to walk without fear of injury.