
Be a Leprosy Mission Contact

Do you want to inspire your church or community group to make a difference in the lives of people affected by leprosy?

As a Leprosy Mission contact you'll receive resources, news, details of events in your region and updates on our latest appeals.

Depending on how much spare time you have, your role could involve:

  • Distribution of our resources e.g. New Day magazine and our Prayer Diary Update
  • Encouraging your church or group to pray for people affected by leprosy and The Leprosy Mission's work
  • Organising fundraising events or sharing information about our latest appeals, then collecting donations
  • Networking with other Leprosy Mission contacts in your local area

Simply fill in the form below and we'll be in touch to chat with you about how you could get involved.

What do other Leprosy Mission contacts say?

'I feel so blessed by God that He has used me, enabled me and rewarded me over the years for being passionate about the area of His work that He laid on my heart some 30 years ago.'


'The faithful supporters at my church bring their collection boxes to me as soon as they are full so I can forward their donations. It is also a pleasure to be able to distribute New Day magazine. People appreciate the news and updates on Leprosy Mission projects around the world.'


'I see my role with as a way that I can partner with those on the front line by helping to raise financial and prayer support for vulnerable people affected by leprosy. It is a privilege to be able to serve in this way - to share with others the heart of love that God has for those who suffer with stigma, discrimination and disability.'
