
Response to MPs voting to enshrine the 0.7% aid target in law

Ahead of 2010 General Election the three main political parties pledged to enshrine in law the UK's commitment to spending 0.7% of national income on international aid. Despite being written into the Coalition agreement in 2010, only in September 2014 is it set to become a reality after tireless campaigning by charities including The Leprosy Mission.

Head of Programmes at The Leprosy Mission England and Wales, Sian Arulanantham, said:

“At The Leprosy Mission we have long been campaigning for the 0.7 per cent aid target to be enshrined in law.  We have been present at many of the major Christian festivals this year encouraging supporters and people with an interest in international development to lobby their MP.  

"We even handed out ready-printed postcards they could send to their MP urging them to push to legislate this target which will go onto change the lives of millions of the world’s poorest and most marginalised people.  We are part of the instrumental Turn Up Save Lives campaign.

“We are hugely grateful to the 164 MPs from all parties who supported this bill.  It sees the UK at the forefront of delivering international aid and sends a message to developing countries that we are keeping our promise. It will hopefully encourage more European countries to follow and help save and change the lives of those in desperate need.”